Want to INVEST?

Want to INVEST?

"if you want to invest in something with minimum risk and guaranteed big return, invest in yourself." 

Yesterday I went to an incredible health seminar. As well as learn terrifying, exciting & inspiring things about our health reality today - I also just had some personal thoughts that I just need to share.  

I want to make clear that INVEST does not mean to spend money on something.
INVEST means to put into something with expectation of some sort of gain or growth afterwards. 

What I consider the two most important investments you can make on yourself: 
1. Your Health
2. Your personal development (personality, skill, mindset, values etc.)

The lady speaking gave an incredible analogy which put things into perspective so incredibly well (as well as being a huge metaphorical punch in the face.)
She said:
Imagine your parents gave you a car.
A brand new beautiful car that is top of its range BUT they said to you; 
this is the ONLY car you can ever own for your whole life.  
How would you care for that car?
Would you wash it regularly? put in the best petrol? Keep it clean inside & out? Make sure it doesn't get any rust? Change its oil regularly? etc. 
Of course you would. 

So why don't we do the same with our body?
and our body is even better than a car! Our body has the ability to heal, to clean itself, to repair. 
so WHY do we take it for granted? 

I personally think it comes down to - because we can see the car. We can't see what goes on inside our bodies so as long as we can't see problems happening we assume "It's all good."
but in todays toxic world we live in - thats just not the case. 

Here are some of the facts I learned yesterday:
1 in 3 of us in Australia WILL die of heart disease
1 in 3 of us in Australia is going to develop cancer (almost reached 1 in 2) 
1 child in 3 under the age of 12 WILL develop diabetes 
person in 5 WILL have a Stoke.
Yet people don't care to take care of their body until their diagnosed. 

The time you're diagnosed isn't the beginning. People think they only have to worry about their health when theres an issue, but wouldn't it make more sense to focus on prevention?
From the second we're born as we age we're exposed to toxins in our food, chemicals in the air, radiation, pesticides, stress, and it DAMAGES us.

The speaker told us that she can guarantee that everyone sitting in the room (at least 150 people) has had cancer maybe 6 or 7 times at least. But our AMAZING BODIES fight it before it can develop into anything serious. What if we dont keep our bodies strong? What if we dont give it the tools? 

We're conditioned so that we dont think twice before we spend money on our phone, on our morning coffees, we all have the latest gadgets & tech, but "we can't afford our health"
without our health what is your phone? the new car? or that holiday? nothing.