Lunch with Mel & Steve aka the loves of my life

Lunch with Mel & Steve aka the loves of my life

Theres a feeling I get inside sometimes when I can tell that moments are becoming sentimental memories - I don't know if there's a word for it, and I don't know if it's just me that feels it. But its like a realisation that these moments are special and I feel this sudden awareness of how happy I am about what's happening. I always try to put this feeling into words and get frustrated because I can't quite describe it well enough, but I guess if you imagine watching an old video of moments that made you happy, imagine the feelings you would get inside, thats the feeling. It's like love, crossed with gratitude, crossed with happiness, crossed with contentment, and I guess I feel like I just leave myself for a moment and sort of just fall in love with the memories as they're being made. My focus for 2017 has been to create deeper connections with people and to really "live", disconnect from the internet world a little more and focus on relationships & things I'm passionate about. Since making that decision I notice things touch me so much more than they used to and I feel things a lot deeper. So far there have only been a few people that can make me feel this way, and Mel and Steve are two of them. I adore these two and my heart always feels so full when I am around them. Everything about them makes me happy and regardless of what we're doing together, seeing them always makes me feel ridiculously grateful not just to have them but to be alive and living in the same world as them and I just freakin' love them SO much. There's a lot of stresses in life sometimes, but it's nice to be able to spend time with people that make you forget about all of them.

Thank you guys for being you, and Mel I hope you have the most wonderful birthday ever tomorrow, I love you so so so sosososososososo much. 
"I'm your number 1 fan." ;) haha (sorry)
but literally I am. 

P.s FULL credit to Mel on the food styling, she's an absolute freak of nature & the most talented person I've ever met. <3